Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Month of Miracles
Rosh Chodesh Kislev - Sagittarius
The month of Kislev (Sagittarius) is a positive month and is known as the month of miracles. Kabbalists share that the energy of the month allows us to create or draw down the essence of miracles into our lives, the manifestation of which occur throughout the year. It is important to understand that the two miracles of Chanukah - the defeat of the large Greek army by the Maccabees and the burning of a single vial of oil for eight days - happened because the universe is open to miracles during this time period, as opposed to Kislev being the month of miracles because of Chanukah. Chanukah is an effect - as opposed to the cause of miracles found in Kislev. Kabbalist Rav Brandwein explained miracles by expanding on the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. He stated that "the creator behaves towards us as we behave" meaning that miracles are part of our physical realm and we simply need to have certainty in our actions in order to to access this energy. When we believe it, we'll see it. Also, when we appreciate all that we have (as opposed to worrying about what we don't), we activate the power of appreciation. When we are filled with joy from appreciating what we have, there is no room to be sad or anxious about the future. Sagittarius is a fire sign and those born under the sign typically have a great fire within. They are always seeking a challenge and are often risk takers. The word Kislev, from the word Kesef, means "security" or "trust". When you have the sense of security or trust in the Light, you connect to certainty and the realm of miracles. The word Sagittarius in Hebrew is from the word Keshet, which means rainbow. We learn from the Zohar that a rainbow is a force which provides balance and central column energy. The rainbow has all of the colors of the spectrum and historically served as a symbol of hope and renewal by marking the end of the Great Flood. Kabbalists also share that each month is associated to a specific sense, Kislev is connected to the sense of "sleep'. When you place your trust in G-d or the Light to access miracles, you are in a dream state similar to that experienced during sleep. It is interesting to note that all 10 references in the Torah to dreams are read during the month of Kislev. With certainty and appreciation we are able to connect to the energy of miracles.
Letters of the Month - Samech & Gimmel
According to the "Sepher Yetzirah", the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that created the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us. The letters for the month of Kislev are Samech and Gimel. Samech created the constellation of Sagittarius and represents encouragement and support. The letter is shaped like a circle and represents the all-encompassing energy, love and beneficence of G-d. The letter can also be viewed as a combination of the Hebrew letters Caf and Vav, the numerical value of which is 26, the same as the tetragrammaton, G-d's holiest name. As a result of its ability to render support, Samech was placed in the Hebrew alphabet immediately following the letter Nun - which represents falling. The letter Gimel created the planet Jupiter which rules over the month of Kislev. Gimel and Jupiter represent sharing, abundance and good fortune. Like Jupiter, the largest and only planet in our solar system that continues to grow, Gimel has the essence of growing, sharing and revealing Light. When taken together, Samech and Gimel represent the combined energy of G-d sharing additional support and helping us to create miracles in Kislev.
Days of Connection in Kislev
As discussed, Av is a month of duality, containing both the most negative day of the year (Tisha B'av) and the happiest day (Tu B'av). By sharing, maintaining certainty through hard times and trying to feel the pain of others, we are able to convert the energy of judgement found in the first half of Av into light and blessings. There are two distinct aspects of the Creator that can be characterized in several ways: (1) male and female; (2) Zeir Anpin and Malchut; (3) the Holy One and the Shekhinah; and (4) and the Sun and Moon. By joining the two energies on the 15th of the month, we connect to the full Sun and full Moon and move from the pain and negativity of the first 9 days and Tisha B'av to a day of happiness and love on the 15th of Av, Tu B'av.
Have a great month and Rosh Chodesh Av! Be proactive and share with others to help join the two aspects of the Creator to reveal Light in the world - our true purpose in life.
Resources & Credits
The Monthly Wisdom emails and the ideas presented herein are compiled from the following sources:
Kabbalisitc Astrology and the Meaning of our Lives - Kabbalist Rav Berg
Kabbalah Decoder - Janet Berensen-Perkins
Sefer Yetzirah
The Books of customs: A Complate Handbook of the Jewish Year - Scott Martin Kosoksky Inspired by the Yiddish Minhoginbukh, Venice 1593
The First Jewish Catalog - Compiled and Edited by Richard Siegel, Michael Strassfeld and Sharon Strassfeld
The Zohar